A little help please

  • asdf11


    Could somebody tell me please where can I find a club in Den Haag for practicing handball? I've practiced it some time ago(professional level) but I didn't keep contact with it so I think the amator level would be suitable for me. I try to google it but I don't know where to find clubs that accept non-professional players. I'm 26 years old and I am also an English speaker/non Dutch. 8-). Thank you in advance.

  • asdf11

    Forgot to say that I'm a female.

  • Alejandro

    Den Haag has got many handballclubs, so you can contact/pick one here:


    Everywhere where “Plaats” is 'S-GRAVENHAGE means the club is located in Den Haag. You can click on the name of the club to see some more information and contactdetails.

    Good luck!

  • ed van offeren

    if you want to train free a couple of weeks

    to see if you like to play with us (hercules The Haque)

    you are welcome please phone 0612964392

  • Competion levels

    In order of wich team plays the highest in dutch (women) competition:

    (highest division) Hellas

    (1 division) Wings

    (Head classe) SOS-KWIEK, Wings 2, Hellas 2

    (Regional classe:) None is Den Haag

    The rest is all placed in 1st or lower classes in Den Haag.

  • Competition levels

    1st classe in local south holland level is still a high level to play on. (forgot to mention it)

    Hercules plays on regional classe i beleve.